“We, the members of The Delta Chi Fraternity, believing that great advantages are to be derived from a brotherhood of college and university men, appreciating that close association may promote friendship, develop character, advance justice, and assist in the acquisition of a sound education, do ordain and establish this Constitution”
Certainly the most public and perhaps the best-known description of the purposes of Delta Chi, the Preamble‘s principle ideals offer profound potential as a guide to daily life as a brother. Furthermore, Delta Chi has developed the Eleven Basic Expectations of each member, as a way to embody and employ these principle values.
It has been pointed out that the four most important words in the Preamble are not what most members assume: “Friendship”, “Character”, “Justice”, and “Education”. Instead, it is suggested that the four most important words are “Promote,” ”Develop,” “Advance,” and “Assist.” The point is that “Fraternity” and, in particular, “Delta Chi” is not just about what “is” but what we, as members, should actually be doing. It is our actions that make Delta Chi, which is why the key words are the verbs instead of the nouns.